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La Neuvième Semaine

Its been a very productive week! School recommenced on Monday and I set myself to learning yet more french words. Im finding now after 9 weeks that the language is starting to come very easily and my vocabulary is growing every day. I’m also finding that I’m less tired in the evenings after speaking french all day. Speaking of evenings, Monday evening was yet another new experience! I decided to accompany my host father to the local yoga class and go full zen mode. It was really really good, very relaxing and we did lots of cool yoga stuff. The teacher of the class was also really cool, he lived in a Nepalese monastery for 12 years and as a result his yoga moves were pretty good. The weather here can’t seem to make its mind up and Tuesday it bucketed. As a result there was no football to be played on Tuesday but rather a gruelling 2 hour fitness session :/ . Ive been expanding my baking skills since I’ve been here as I feel it really is important to stay true to my last name. I was going to attempt a pavlova on Wednesday but ended up being too lazy, however I have been making plenty of tasty cakes and the like since I’ve been here to go with the French baguettes, cheese and ham :) The food here is a dream. Saturday I went out to the local forest with Stephane, Germain and Julia to cut and gather wood because why not.. Today I have been baking once again and went for an hour run in the local countryside, very relaxing :) I haven’t been doing much exploring of the local area lately apart from much runs, I’ve been very busy learning the language and just enjoying the layed-back nature of French country life. I think that is about to change as I think we will visit some local attractions in the next few weekends. Until then I continue at school learning French :)

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